Nima dive centre is established at Agia Anna beach on Naxos island. Its purpose is to provide unforgettable underwater experiences and to introduce the participants to the beautiful marine life of Naxos island and the surrounding areas. Our very experienced team will be on hand to teach, provide advice and guarantee the safety of all divers that take part whilst ensuring the most enjoyable time underwater. Visit us to begin your diving adventure.
PADI Scuba Diving
English, French, Greek
Air Fills, Nitrox, Scrubber CO2 absorbant, Equipment Sales, Scuba equipment rental, Kids equipment rental, Conservation activities, Dive club, Other
Accessible trips and activities, Personalized dive training
Onsite classroom, Wi-Fi (FREE), Retail Shop, House reef, Dive boat, Other
Compass, Wetsuit – shorty, Mask & Snorkel, Camera, Open-heel fins, Full-foot fins, Children sizes, Regulator, Dive Computer, Wetsuit – 5mm, Boots, BCD, Aluminum Cylinders, Steel Cylinders, Large Cylinders (15L / 100 cu. ft.), Small Cylinders (10L / 71.2 cu. ft.)
Cylinders, Regulators, BCDs