Discover all the treasures of Anilao, by the hand of Buceo Anilao Beach & Dive Resort.
Descubre todos los tesoros de Anilao, a través de Buceo Anilao Beach & Dive Resort.
The ideal place to experience the excellent service and the famous hospitality of the Filipino people. Local and European management, modern facilities, yet maintaining the country’s tropical and relaxed style. Located on a 5,000sqm coastal property, surrounded by reefs full of abundant marine life, and designed to satisfy the taste of all divers, especially underwater photographers with highest expectations…
El lugar ideal para experimentar el excelente servicio y la famosa hospitalidad de los Filipinos. Dirección local y Europea, instalaciones modernas, aun manteniendo el estilo tropical y relajado del país. Situado en una propiedad costera de 5.000m2, rodeada de arrecifes repletos de abundante vida marina, diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de todos los buceadores y especialmente de los fotógrafos submarinos más exigentes…
PADI Scuba Diving, PADI Snorkelling, PADI First Aid - EFR
English, Filipino
Air Fills, Nitrox, Scuba equipment rental
Onsite training pool, Onsite classroom, Air Conditioning, Wi-Fi (FREE), Waterfront location, House reef, Aquarium/Deep Pool, Dive boat, Onsite accommodation, Food & Drinks, Parking
2 PADI Instructors
Compass, Wetsuit – shorty, Mask & Snorkel, Camera, Open-heel fins, Wetsuit – 3mm, Flashlight, Regulator, Dive Computer, Gauges, Boots, BCD, Aluminum Cylinders, Large Cylinders (15L / 100 cu. ft.), Small Cylinders (10L / 71.2 cu. ft.)
Bank / Debit Card, Payment Plan, Paypal, VISA, Mastercard, Cash (local currency)