Hello, I am Angel Gallego, owner of Naranjito Buceo.
When I started the center in 2004, I already had eight years of experience in our underwater world and the firm conviction that I wanted to dedicate myself to diving for the rest of my life. I could list the more than 50 degrees and explain the vast experience that all the Naranjito staff accumulates, but what really matters is what we offer you and how we want you to feel spending your time with us.
Every time you choose us you are investing your money, your time and your dreams ... And our obligation, in what we believe, is to accept that responsibility and offer you the best we have. For all of us it is a pride that you choose us and a challenge that, when you leave, you want to return.
For this reason, all of us who work in Naranjito are committed to offering careful attention but always with closeness and proximity. We want you to feel comfortable and well treated, but among friends, we want you to feel in YOUR diving center in Naranjito.
We cannot guarantee that we will do it 100% of the time, but we do always do our best. Come and we will show you.
PADI Scuba Diving