Welcome to Diver’s Realm, Inc. We are a Full Service PADI 5 Star Dive Center located along Hwy 41 in Appleton, WI. If you plan to visit Northeast Wisconsin or live here check out our classes, trips, sales, dives, and events. Better yet, Join us for a trip to Door County, Lake Superior, or one of many other beautiful Wisconsin Lakes we visit each summer.
PADI Scuba Diving
Air Fills, Nitrox, Equipment Sales, Scuba equipment rental, Kids equipment rental, Travel
Onsite classroom, Air Conditioning, Retail Shop, Parking
3 PADI Instructors
Compass, Wetsuit – shorty, Mask & Snorkel, Wetsuit – 7mm, Open-heel fins, Children sizes, Regulator, Gauges, Boots, BCD, Aluminum Cylinders, Large Cylinders (15L / 100 cu. ft.), Small Cylinders (10L / 71.2 cu. ft.)
Wet / Dry Suits, Gauges, Cylinders, Regulators, BCDs, Dive Computers
Bank / Debit Card, VISA, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover, Cash (local currency)