Some local divers say that there are over five thousand wrecks off the coast of New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware.
A popular wreck amongst local divers is the USS Bradford: DD-968. This artificial reef was sunk 26 miles off shore. The ship is 563ft long, the top deck is at 70ft of depth, and the bottom rests on the substrate at 140ft of depth. The wreck is the perfect habitat for marine life thrive on.
On the flip side there are vessels that went down by natural causes that still have tons of artifacts to find. The American-Hawaiian Steamship Company vessel was a steam-powered freighter built in 1914. She was carrying 10,000 tons of raw sugar when she collided with the Elizabeth Palmer January 26, 1915. She now rests at 100ft of depth and serves as a great wreck dive for visitors.
Divers are recommended to wear 5/7mm wetsuits throughout the year with dry suits being an option for the colder months.