We see huge bait balls, nudibranchs, crabs, mantis shrimp, spotfin butterfly, grey angelfish and triggerfish. Big schools of snapper, snook, porkfish, jacks, spadefish, mackeral, and look-downs also cruise our sites. This is a breeding ground for the protected, Goliath Grouper reaching up to 7 feet and 700 lbs. At times, dozens will stack up in a small area. Like people, they have different personalities; some are inquisitive, others shy, while others are ornery. They can 'bark' at us by moving water through their swim bladder creating a percussion wave with a very audible thud! Another favorite is the large Loggerhead sea turtle which are seen regularly especially in the spring and summer. We see harmless Nurse sharks (glorified catfish) at times, but other shark species are rare to spot.
In general; spring, early summer, and late fall can produce our best conditions. However, visibility can be poor or get very nice any time of the year depending upon how Mother Nature is treating us.
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