The Great Astrolabe Reef is in pristine condition due to its remote location. This makes for spectacular diving at submerged pinnacles, coral gardens, drop-offs at the outer reefs and passages leading to the South Pacific Ocean. There is one shipwreck here, the Pacific Voyager, which is a good site for critter hunting.
Most of the dive sites are a short boat ride from Kadavu Island or Ono Island. On Kadavu, you can choose either to stay in the north or the south to access different dive sites. Notably, the manta cleaning stations are mostly located in the south but the north has better living facilities.
The diving is mostly easy because of the many protected bays but expect swift currents at passages and at the outer reefs, there could be surface swells.
Dive operators on Kadavu open on a year-round basis but the best conditions to dive is during the Southern Hemisphere winter months.
Visibility is better during this time, stretching up to 100ft (30m) but the water temperature drops to about 75˚F (24˚C) compared to 86˚F (30˚C) in the summer months.